Wolves Hit the Trail

A dozen wolves and their families were spotted on the hills around the Oak Canyon Nature Center on Sunday afternoon.  The scouts held their den meeting in the canyon, learning a skit and planting vegetable seedlings for a home taco garden.   Following the meeting, the boys led their families on a grueling 2 mile hike up and around the canyon hills.   The scouts managed to keep their parents and siblings from falling in the running stream or getting too close to poison oak in the lush landscape.  With their 10 essentials on their backs, they came to the rescue of one sibling who scraped his hand, quickly administered first aid before continuing on.  A great time was had by all.

Check out pictures of the outing in the Wolf Photo Album.

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April Pack Meeting is at the AFI Flight Training Center

Just when you thought, that our meetings couldn’t be any better…we have outdone ourselves this time!  Our next pack meeting on Sunday, April 10, 2011 will not be at St. Angela’s.  Thanks to Mr. Gialamas, we are going to have it at the AFI Flight Training Center near the Fullerton Airport in an

We will meet at the training center front gate at 12 noon sharp, and be let in together.  We will have our meeting, then we will get history of Fullerton Airport and an overview of flight and how airplanes work.  Each scout will also get a chance to sit in an airplane.  To top it off, our scouts will get a balsa wood airplane which they will race on the airport grounds.
The address is
4119 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, 92833.

Although we will have some snacks available, lunch should be eaten beforehand as it will be a longer (and funner) meeting.   Remember to wear Class A uniforms and bring those cameras.  This is a meeting you won’t soon forget.
Yours in Scouting,
Christian Lising

P.S. If you checked out Scout-o-Rama booklets and you still have some you haven’t yet sold, feel free to bring them to this pack meeting to sell to your fellow scouts who have not yet purchased one.

Summer Day Camp Announced

Summer is right around the corner, and this summer our pack has decided to attend our own district’s day camp at nearby Firestone Scout Reservation.  Our boys will be able to experience camp in a real Scout Camp, and parents will still be able to enjoy a local destination to drop off and pick up their scouts during the week.

What is Day Camp?  Cub Day Camp is five full days of fun activities, advancement, and fellowship, and is one of the highlights of the Cub Scout Summer. This year’s theme is Exploring Your World and the camp will be held the week of July 25-29. Typical days run from 9:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon.

In addition to the fun activities had at previous years’ day camps, Firestone offers a BB-Gun rangefor those interested.  This is always a big hit for Cubs.  Other activities include: Archery, Wood Working, Sports Fun, Cooking, Wildlife Conservation, and a variety of Scout Skills.

The cost for five full days of scouting fun is only $130 per scout, however a discounted rate of $95 is available to those who participate in the Scout-O-Rama drive and turn in applications and fees by the April Pack Meeting.  Be sure to sign up now for the Scout-O-Rama drive in order to be eligible for this discount.

Note that many Tigers, Wolves, and Bears complete many of their rank achievements in this week of camp.  Attending camp will insure your scout is off to a great start towards his new rank.  Keep an eye out for applications and a sign up form that will be posted on-line in the next few weeks. 

It’s Scout-O-Rama Time!

Scout-O-Rama Ticket Sales @ Ralph’s Grocery Store – Friday March 18, 2011 and Saturday April 2, 2011

Mark your calendars for our pack’s other annual fundraiser, selling ticket /coupon books for the Orange County Council 2011 Scout-O-Rama. Pack 811 will be selling Scout-O-Rama tickets on Friday March 18th from 1:00–5:00 and Saturday April 2 from 10:00-2:00, in front of Ralph’s grocery store on Brea Blvd and Imperial Hwy.

Commissions from this sale go to support the activities, advancements and programs of local units and the Orange County Council, BSA. Our pack proceeds from the ticket sales (25%) help fund our pack program in general. Last year, the pack made over $600 from ticket sales.

We will sell ticket books for two days only. Individual scouts have the option of either working one or more 2-hour shift in front of Ralph’s or buying 6 ticket books to resell on their own. If the scout chooses the 2-hour shift, selling additional ticket books is completely optional.

The shifts on Friday will be from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The shifts on Saturday will be from 10 am to 12 noon and from 12 to 2 pm. Each shift needs to be covered by at least 8 scouts and two adults, so we will need some parent volunteers also.  PLEASE sign up as soon as possible so we can insure adequate coverage.

>> Please sign up for your shifts or tickets here <<


Scout-O-Rama Individual Ticket Sales

If your son is interested in selling individual tickets, please contact Karyn Reed (kkr@reed-lawcorp.com or 714-404-9398) to obtain tickets. There are some nice prizes offered by the Orange County Council for ticket sales. Here is a link to the prize sheet.  Ticket money is due back to me by May 1st.


This year’s Scout-O-Rama will be held at Oak Canyon Park (5305 Santiago Canyon Drive, Silverado, CA 92676) on Saturday, May 14th, between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM. This is a very fun event that everyone in the family can enjoy and participate in. I strongly recommend going to Scout-O-Rama with either your den, or as a family. If you are interested in going, you can purchase your admission ticket (good for entire family) when we sell them at Ralph’s or if you purchase a ticket book, it includes a family pass to the event.

What is Scout-O-Rama you may ask? Scout-O-Rama is the annual trade show of Scouting in Orange County that is attended by over 30,000 people. Scouts and their families enjoy a fun-filled day of exhibits, competitions, skits and displays. Some popular events from recent years include Dutch-oven cooking demonstrations, canoe races, water rocket launches and bicycle shows. Local packs, troops, teams and crews participate in the Scout-O-Rama event displaying a booth or giving service hours. Scouts will have the opportunity to earn belt loops and other achievements as well. Website: http://www.ocbsa.org/events/scout-o-rama/.

Thank you,

Karyn Reed
Scout-O-Rama Coordinator

Ten New Boy Scouts Graduate from Pack 811

Last weekend, Pack 811 celebrated another great Blue and Gold event to celebrate the 81st year of Cub Scouting.   In addition to great food and fellowship, the pack witnessed several Webelos scouts earn the highest award in Cub Scouts — the Arrow of Light.  At the end of the night, 10 Cub Scouts crossed over to Boy Scouting, and were greeting by the Scoutmaster and boys of  Troop 811.  

Pack 811 wishes our newest Boy Scouts well as they continue their Scouting journey:
Hunter E.  –  Aaron F.  –  Joseph G.  –  Christopher G.  –  Austin G.  –  Casey J.  –  Alex J.  –  Kalel M.  –  Evan N.  –  Nolan P.

As Mike Glasgow, the now retired Webelows Den Leader told the pack, “Now that Den 1 boys are gone, the rest of you boys finally have a chance to win the Pinewood Derby!”

Pictures of the event, as well as the video slide show that was shown that evening, are now available in the photo albums.

Wolf Den to Hit the Links

The Wolf Den will have a Golf Outing on Friday, February 25th at the Brea Creek Golf Course.  The scouts will receive a lesson from Jim Howe, the golf instructor at the course.   All equipment will be provided.

Scouts will meet at the SAM lunch benches at no later than 3:00pm with their signed permission slip and $7 fee.  Click >HERE< for more information, and >HERE< for the Permission Slip.  Parents are encouraged to bring cameras!  Please contact Scott Wemple if any questions.

Cub Scout Pack 811 Wins 2010 National Gold Medallion Award

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andre Pacheco


ORANGE, Calif. Feb. 10, 2011 —The Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Diocese of Orange congratulates Cub Scout Pack 811 of St. Angela Merici Church, Brea, on winning the 2010 National Gold Medallion Award for Region 11.

The Gold Medallion Award program was established to recognize outstanding Catholic Scouting units in each of the fifteen Episcopal Regions of the United States. National Gold Medallion winners epitomize units that excel at providing youth with quality programs including religious activities, religious emblems participation, outdoor activities, and special events that encompass the religious, vocational, and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.

Region 11 includes California, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Territory of Guam.

“This is our third National Gold Medallion Award, which is unprecedented for any Scouting unit,” said Jim Root, Religious Emblem Coordinator for Pack 811. “Our Pack is also a three time recipient of the Bishop’s Award of Excellence and has the distinction of earning the Pope Paul VI National Quality Unit Award for over a decade. This could not be possible without the dedication of our leaders and parents to providing a quality Scouting program for our youth.”

For more information on Cub Scout Pack 811, visit their website at: cubpack811.org.

The Diocese of Orange Catholic Committee on Scouting is a diocesan committee of laity and clergy committed to delivering Catholic youth ministry through Scouting programs. For additional information on Catholic Scouting in the Diocese of Orange, visit their website at occatholicscouting.org, or the national website at nccs-bsa.org.


Pack 811 Racers Show Great Spirit

This year’s Pinewood Derby was a great showing of creativity, competition, and most evedent, Scout Spirit.  Over 75 cars built by Cub Scouts, their siblings, and a few by “big kid” parents raced down our track to the cheers of the largest crowd gathered yet.  Congratulations to all scouts on their achievements, and especially to our champions listed below.   A big THANK YOU to all of the parent volunteers who worked so hard to make a wonderful memory for our boys.  Be sure to check out the photo albums to see our boys in action.

Pack Race Champions:

First Place:  “The Force” by Christopher G.  (Webelos II Den)
Second Place: “Popcorn Prize Machine” by Matthew R.  (Wolf Den)
Third Place: “Dragon” by William B.  (Webelos I Den)
Fourth Place:  “American Eagle” by Alex S.  (Webelos I Den)                        

Den Race Champions:

Tiger Den:  1st. Place: Trent E.  2nd. Place: Daniel G.  3rd. Place: Diego B.
Wolf Den:  1st. Place: Matthew R.  2nd. Place: Jacob G.  3rd. Place:
Vinni P.
Bears Den:  1st. Place: Eric S.  2nd. Place: John R.  3rd. Place:
Steven G.
Webelos I Den:  1st. Place: Nick T.  2nd. Place: William B.  3rd. Place:
Alex S.
Webelos II Den:  1st. Place: Christopher G.  2nd. Place: Alex J  3rd. Place: Casey J.

Design Champions:

Best Paint Job:  “Green Hornet” by Trent E. (Tiger Den)
Best Scouting Theme: “Speed Scout” by Jacob B. (Wolf Den)
Fastest Looking: (tie) “Silver Bullet” by Jacob W. (Bear Den) and 
                          “Black Bullet” by Ethan Leal (Bear Den)
Most Origional: “Sam’s Pizza Slice” by Sam W. (Wolf Den)
Best Use of Stickers: “Vans Attack” by Adam P. (Tiger Den)
Scariest Looking: “Jaws” by Adrian P. (Tiger Den)
Most Patriotic: “American Eagle” by Alex S. (Webelos I Den)
Most Environmentally Friendly: (tie) “Orbiter” by Matthew M. (Bear Den) and
                                                    “Popcorn Prize Machine” by Matthew R. (Wolf Den)
Most Fun: “Sam’s Pizza Slice” by Sam W. (Wolf Den)
Best Name: “Who Cut the Cheese” by Tyler B.  (Bear Den)

Blue and Gold Banquet – Sat Feb 26, 2011

Hello Pack 811 Families!  Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet is approaching quickly and this year is shaping up to be another outstanding event.  The Blue and Gold Banquet is the official birthday celebration for Cub Scouting.  Since 2010 was the 100th Anniversary of Scouting in America, this year is definitely a special one!  The pack’s big celebration gets its name from the Cub Scout colors. The banquet is traditionally a catered event for the entire family which includes rank advancement, special awards and recognition, and culminates in the prestigious Bridging Ceremony for our Webelos II’s moving into Boy Scouts.

Please join us on Saturday, February 26th from 4pm to 7pm in the Church hall to celebrate the achievements of our boys.   Since this is a catered event, we ask that you RSVP so that we can have enough food for everyone in attendance.   A form has been created to RSVP for your family, and can be found HERE.   I look forward to seeing you at the 2011 Blue and Gold Banquet for Pack 811!!

Yours in Scouting,

Dean Gialamas, Cubmaster

Bear Den Will be Earning Their Whittling Chip!


Whittling Chip

We know this is the day you have all been waiting for, and it is finally here.  On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, from 3-4 pm, at our den meeting in Sarah Room, you will be learning how to safely and correctly use a pocket knife.

As an added benefit, these pocket knives will be given to you, a benefit for selling so much popcorn this year.

Class B uniforms please.  St. Angela scouts, please wear your uniform underneath your school uniform.  Get excited, BEARS!!!!

~Your Den Leaders

Scouts and Pack Receive Religious Awards.

As part of their “Duty to God,” 15 Cub Scouts from Pack 811 earned Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei religious emblems.  Tigers and Wolves worked with their parents on the Light of Christ program, focusing on their relationship with Christ, the Church, and their families.  Bears completed the Parvuli Dei or “Children of God” program, reflecting on God’s creation and providing service to others.  Emblems were awarded at a ceremony for all Orange County Cub Scouts, Scouts, and Venturers.  Those receiving emblems may now wear a purple knot on all future Scouting uniforms.  The highlight of the ceremony was an inspirational speech by Evan Hunsberger, whose Eagle Scout project (considered one of the best ever), was the publication of a revised devotional book Strength for Service to God and Country for service men and women.  After 9-11, the Pentagon ordered a million copies for our troops.


At the same ceremony, the Catholic Committe on Scouting for the Diocese of Orange also honored Pack 811 with the Pope Paul VI Quality Catholic Unit Award.  This year, the award was given to four Catholic Scouting units in Orange County that provide exceptional, all-around recruitment, training, educational, and religious programs for their youth and adults. 


Jim Root
Religious Emblems Coordinator

Camp Cherry Valley Deposits Due

Hi there Bears and Webelos…

Its time to get our reservation sent in for our camp Aug 21-24… It will be a busy month in August with Family Camp earlier that month… so I am here to help coordinate the sending in of deposits ONLY for Camp Cherry Valley on Catalina Island.

I spoke with Maggie at the San Gabriel Council today for an update on how many spots were left for us to sign up… she said that we are in great shape if we get the Deposits ( 25%) to her by Feb 1st. Payments in full are also welcomed.

So… if you are still interested in going… please get the check ready payable to the San Gabriel Council and I can get it from you either this weekend at Pinewood Derby or during the week next week. I will cut off accepting $$ on Jan 30th at Catholic School’s open house.

If you are still up in the air, you are more than welcome to wait but you will have to coordinate with Maggie for a spot, etc. just as an fyi… the spots are usually sold out by the end of Feb.

This camp is a super busy, all day fun filled camp.. the cost covers the ride over and back on

 the boat, food, a tent is provided for you and they do a SUPER great job at food and providing FUN. In addition, those who go must take a swim test ( Adults also) and the 3 days usually fulfills half of the requirements of the 18 months of Webelos… that in itself is a WIN WIN!

Usually one scout and one parent go.. the tents are- 2 man- and in the past there has been a nightly contest for the loudest snorers…

So…. anyone interested???

Click the image to see the flyer and if any questions, please call or email me.

Yours in scouting,


Important Calendar Updates

Happy Friday Everyone!

Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet has been moved one week earlier than previously scheduled to Saturday, February 26th, from 4:00pm to 7:30pm.  This allows us to celebrate the event in February, which is designated as the Cub Scout “Birthday” month.   Look for a formal announcement and RSVP request in the coming weeks.  You will not want to miss this grand event!

Even though we just put away the Christmas decorations, many of us are already starting to plan our Summer.  Here are some other important dates to remember when making those plans:

Wednesday, June 15: Advancement Campfire

Saturday, June 25: Bike Rodeo

Monday July 18 – Friday, July 22: Day Camp

Saturday, July 30: Space Derby

Friday, August 12 – Sunday, August 14: Family Camp

Of course, all of these pack events and more can be found on our CALENDAR.

I know our Pinewood Derby Committee is busy making preparations for the big race next weekend.  Check out the Resource Page for some links to last minute Pinewood Derby hints if you need them!

Scout Sunday 2011

All Scouting families are invited to join together for Scout Sunday, a day designated to allow scouts to show their commitment to our “duty to God”.   This year’s Scout Sunday mass will be held on February 6th at 9:30.   Scouts are requested to assemble in front of the Church in full Class A uniforms no later than 9:15a.m.

Let’s show our parish the strength and commitment of the St. Angela scouting ministry!

(Click on image for flyer)