All posts by Christian Lising

Arbor Day Service Project


Let’s Plant a Tree 

Hi Scouts,

Our Arbor Day Service Project for the City of Brea is coming up.  It will be on Thursday,  April 28 from 3-4:30 pm at Arovista Park Grove in Brea.  We will be meeting at the baseball diamond closest to the golf course.  Here is the link to the  park. 

The holes will already be dug.  Our job is to place the trees into the holes, bury and water them.  You do not need to bring any tools.  The city will provide them.  Wear comfortable clothes and your Class B uniforms.

We need everyone to sign up to insure we have enough coverage. 

>Please sign up here<

We will need at least 1 parent for every 4 scouts so please sign up if you can.  

For any scout trying to earn his World Conservation Award or Leave No Trace Award, this is will help you fulfill one of the requirements.  

Yours in Scouting,

Christian Lising  


April Pack Meeting is at the AFI Flight Training Center

Just when you thought, that our meetings couldn’t be any better…we have outdone ourselves this time!  Our next pack meeting on Sunday, April 10, 2011 will not be at St. Angela’s.  Thanks to Mr. Gialamas, we are going to have it at the AFI Flight Training Center near the Fullerton Airport in an

We will meet at the training center front gate at 12 noon sharp, and be let in together.  We will have our meeting, then we will get history of Fullerton Airport and an overview of flight and how airplanes work.  Each scout will also get a chance to sit in an airplane.  To top it off, our scouts will get a balsa wood airplane which they will race on the airport grounds.
The address is
4119 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, 92833.

Although we will have some snacks available, lunch should be eaten beforehand as it will be a longer (and funner) meeting.   Remember to wear Class A uniforms and bring those cameras.  This is a meeting you won’t soon forget.
Yours in Scouting,
Christian Lising

P.S. If you checked out Scout-o-Rama booklets and you still have some you haven’t yet sold, feel free to bring them to this pack meeting to sell to your fellow scouts who have not yet purchased one.

Bear Den Will be Earning Their Whittling Chip!


Whittling Chip

We know this is the day you have all been waiting for, and it is finally here.  On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, from 3-4 pm, at our den meeting in Sarah Room, you will be learning how to safely and correctly use a pocket knife.

As an added benefit, these pocket knives will be given to you, a benefit for selling so much popcorn this year.

Class B uniforms please.  St. Angela scouts, please wear your uniform underneath your school uniform.  Get excited, BEARS!!!!

~Your Den Leaders

Take Home Orders are Due

Hi Scouts,

Just as a reminder, the Take Home Order Money is Due this weekend.  Many of you have already made arrangements with your den leaders to have submit the checks.  For those of you who haven’t, please come by my house today to drop it off.  
I request that no cash be remitted.  Please write a personal check (made payable to Pack 811) for the cash that you received from your customers. Please have your name written in the memo section of all the checks.
For those of your who did not receive your orders of Chocolate Lover’s Collection, we will be receiving these the weekend of December 11th.
Yours in Scouting,
Christian Lising
2933 Blackpine Court
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 906-9276

Popcorn and First Aid Kit Pickup

Pick-Up Time!

 Hi Scouts,
Popcorn and First Aid Kit pick up will be on Saturday, November 20 from 10 am –  1pm at St. Angela Merici.  We will be giving you your Take Order Sheets back at that time.  
If you happened to collect any money, we can take it from you.  Otherwise, your remaining balance is due on Saturday, December 4 (Please refer to the receipt emailed to you).
Yours in Scouting,
Christian Lising

Popcorn Fundraiser Information

Hi scouts,

I wanted to give you all the important information about our popcorn and first aid kit fundraiser.

I. Pack Goals
We want to raise all the money we need to fund our Scouting Program and reduce the out of pocket expenses for your parents. Our pack goal is $15,000 which is about $175 in take home orders per scout (that’s just 9 chocolately caramel crunch or 9 first aid kits).
II. Important dates
September 25-26: Sell popcorn at the Church after each mass
October 1-2: Sell popcorn and first aid kits at the banks (Banco Popular, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America on Imperial Hwy.)
October 17: Show-n-Sell raffle at October Pack meeting (1 ticket for each Church shift and 3 tickets for each Bank shift)
October 29: All Take Home Orders are due to me or your den leaders
November 20: Take Home Popcorn/First Aid kit distribution at St. Angela
December 4: All Take Home money is due

II. Take Home Orders
There are two order forms, the popcorn and the first aid kits. If you need any, please let me know. You can also download the popcon order form HERE.

IV. Trail’s End Prizes
Please refer to for the popcorn prizes. Once we get the each scouts total popcorn sales (show-n-sell and take home orders) Mr. Wemple will notify them as to what prize they are eligible for. These prizes will be given out in either the December or January pack meeting.

V. Show-n-Sell
Please sign up through our website for the shifts. We need a minimum of 4 boys at each mass and 8 boys at each bank shifts. In order for you to be eligible for the raffle, you MUST sign up online and show up.
We will keep record of who was at the shifts to make sure our scouts get the number of raffle tickets they deserve. A scout can earn up to 14 tickets if he works every shift

VII. Pack 811 Prizes
The Den who sells the most will receive a party, courtesy of the Pack.
Any scout who sells $1200 in Take Home Orders (Popcorn and First Aid Kits) will receive a new iPod Touch.
The top seller of the Pack will receive an iPod Touch.
On October 17, Mr. Wemple will be raffling off 4 new iPod shuffles. A scout can only win 1 iPod shuffle.

VIII. Last Words
While it is preferred that you collect the money at the time of the order, it is not required. It may be easier to collect it when you deliver the popcorn but I’ll leave that up to you.
Be Safe and Enjoy Yourselves!

Christian Lising

Hi scouts,

I wanted to give you all the important information about our popcorn and first aid kit fundraiser.

I. Pack Goals
We want to raise all the money we need to fund our ENTIRE Scouting Program and reduce the out of pocket expenses for your parents. Our pack goal is $15,000 which is about $175 in take home orders per scout (that’s just 9 chocolately caramel crunch or 9 first aid kits).
II. Important dates
September 25-26: Sell popcorn at the Church after each mass
October 1-2: Sell popcorn and first aid kits at the banks (Banco Popular, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America on Imperial Hwy.)
October 17: Show-n-Sell raffle at October Pack meeting (1 ticket for each Church shift and 3 tickets for each Bank shift)
October 29: All Take Home Orders are due to me or your den leaders
November 20: Take Home Popcorn/First Aid kit distribution at St. Angela
December 4: All Take Home money is due

II. Take Home Orders
There are two order sets, the popcorn and the first aid kits. If you need any, please let me know.

IV. Trail’s End Prizes
Please refer to for the popcorn prizes. Once we get the each scouts total popcorn sales (show-n-sell and take home orders) Mr. Wemple will notify them as to what prize they are eligible for. These prizes will be given out in either the December or January pack meeting.

V. Show-n-Sell
Please sign up through our website for the shifts. We need a minimum of 4 boys at each mass and 8 boys at each bank shifts. In order for you to be eligible for the raffle, you MUST sign up online and show up.
We will keep record of who was at the shifts to make sure our scouts get the number of raffle tickets they deserve. A scout can earn up to 14 tickets if he works every shift

VII. Pack 811 Prizes
The Den who sells the most will receive a party, courtesy of the Pack.
Any scout who sells $1200 in Take Home Orders (Popcorn and First Aid Kits) will receive a new iPod Touch.
The top seller of the Pack will receive an iPod Touch.
On October 17, Mr. Wemple will be raffling off 4 new iPod shuffles. A scout can only win 1 iPod shuffle.

VIII. Last Words
You do not need to collect the money at the time of the order. It may be easier to collect it when you deliver the popcorn but I’ll leave that up to you.

Bears visit the Gridiron

The Bear Den will be attending a Servite football game together on Friday, October 22, 2010 at Cerritos College (11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650) as they play St. John Bosco High School.

We will meet at the Cerritos College parking lot at 6:30 pm for those who would like to tailgate before the game. The whole family is invited to go with the scouts. We will purchase the tickets ahead of time so we don’t have to wait in line in Cerritos.

The ticket prices are: Adult $8, Children $1, Senior $5. Deadline for sign ups is Monday, October 11. Please forward payment to Brigette Barron.

Please sign up here

Bears to Visit the Richard Nixon Library

The Bear Den will be receiving a guided tour of the Richard Nixon Library on Friday, September 10, 2010 from 3:15-5 pm.  We must meet at the library early because the tour will begin promptly at 3:15pm.   

The scouts should be wearing their Class A uniforms.  The admission for our 13 scouts will be free.  I reserved space for 9 adults whose admission is $10. Unfortunately, we will not be able to bring siblings to this event. 
Please let us know if you plan to attend so we can organize rides.  

Popcorn Show-N-Sell Sign Ups

For all those who are new to our Pack, our scouts sell popcorn to fund activities we do throughout the year.  We sell popcorn in two ways: TAKE HOME SALES, where we take advance orders from friends and family member, and SHOW-N-SELL, where we sell popcorn directly to customers.  For anyone who sells, he will be eligible for a number of prizes from BSA, and very special prizes from Pack 811.

By now, you have already received your TAKE HOME ORDER sales sheet and I hope you have started taking orders for popcorn.  The Take home orders will be due on October 29, 2010 and the popcorn will be delivered on November 20th.  There will be big prizes for scouts who sell a lot.  We’ll go into more detail at the Pack meeting.

As has been our tradition in years past, we will be selling popcorn at St. Angela Merici Church and the Brea Financial district ( Bank of America, Banco Popular, and Wells Fargo)  off Imperial Highway.  For each session a scout works at the church, he will receive 1 ticket, and for each session at the bank, 3 tickets.  The more times you sell at these locations, the higher your chances of winning some awesome prizes (they start with the letter i).

Please check your calendars and sign up for as many sessions as you can.  We will need at least 2-3 parents at each mass and at least 4-5 parents at each bank session.

>> Please Click Here to Sign-Up <<

Good Luck Scouts!

Popcorn Mailer is Coming this Week

It’s Popcorn Season!

Dear Scout and Parents

Our annual fundraiser is selling Trail’s End Popcorn.  This one fundraiser provides us the funds for our pack events and den activities
throughout the year.
Some exciting new changes are coming this year from Trail’s End such as the new packaging, new popcorn, and new prizes.
On top of that, Pack 811 has put together special  prizes for our scouts.  I’ll give you a hint: It starts with an “i” and ends with “pods”.  More information coming in September.
Watch for the popcorn order forms in the mail this week and start taking orders now.

Bears go for the Video Game belt loop

Bears and parents,

We will be having a summer meeting on Sunday, August 15, from 5-7pm at the Elsenpeter’s home.  

While our boys are earning the Video Games belt loop, Roz and I would like to  present to you the Activity outline for the year.  We will break down the monthly activities and expenses and give us a chance to get input from you on how we can make our Bear year the best and funnest for our sons. 

Thanks in advance for your support.

Christian and Roz

Avenue of the Flags at Memory Garden

Memory Garden Memorial Park and Mortuary in Brea will be holding their annual Flag Ceremony this Memorial Day weekend.  This very special event pays tribute to the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy the freedom we have today.

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts from around the area have been asked to help place small flags and crosses on the graves of our veterans buried at Memory Garden on Saturday, May 29 starting at 6:30 a.m.  

On Monday, May 31 at 6:30 am, they will be setting up the “Avenue of the Flags” where they raise full size funeral flags representing veterans who passed away and have been buried there over the past 53 years.  At 3 pm, these full size flags will be taken down and folded.

We have been offered the opportunity to participate in this event.  If anyone would like to help, please feel free to go to Memory Garden on either Saturday or Monday at 6:30 am to set up, or on Monday at 3 pm to take down flags.  Please meet in front of the Memory Garden Office.  Full class A Uniforms would be appropriate.  Each boy and sibling must be accompanied by an adult. 

Special thanks to Mrs. Carrasco for giving us this information.

Memory Garden Memorial Park and Mortuary
455 W. Central Avenue
Brea, CA 92821

Wolves Take on the Juanita Cooke Trail

Wolves take on the Juanita Cooke Trail

On Saturday, May 22, the Wolf Den while be hiking the Juanita Cooke Greenbelt Trail in Fullerton.  However, this will not be just a simple walk in the park.  Along the way, scouts will be searching for clues to secret hiding places where they will find prizes.
Our trek starts promptly at am where N. Morelia Ave. and W. Laguna Road meet. We will hike from there to Laguna Lake and back.  Scouts will need to wear comfortable shoes, shorts, and their Class B uniforms.
Please bring a water bottle, a pad of paper, and a pen. 

Let’s go fishing!

To all scouts of Pack 811,

On Saturday, April 24 from 8-10 am we will be fishing at the Huckleberry Pond at the Santa Ana River Lakes in Anaheim.

The pond director will give us a quick 30 minute lesson on how to fish.  Then we’ll apply our new skills to catch trout in the pond.  The pond is stocked Friday afternoon and the director doesn’t feed the fish so they’ll be very hungry for our bait.

There is an entry fee of $2 for each rod that is brought into the area.  They rent out rods for anyone who needs them for an additional $2.  Whatever you catch, you keep and they charge by the pound (about $5/lb).  They will also clean your fish for you.

BRING YOUR CAMERAS. We have never gone to the pond without having caught at least 3 fish.

Your’s in fishing,
Christian Lising

P.S. Did I mention that there is a fishing belt loop for all those who attend?