Hi Scout families,
We are one third of the way through our fundraising season. A special thanks to all those scouts and parents who were at the Show-n-Sell at the Church and the Banks. You all did great!!!
Listed below are the important dates to remember:
October 16: Show-n-Sell iPod raffle at the Pack meeting
October 28: Take Home orders are due to the popcorn committee (Loan Lynch, Theresa Padilla, Shawn Jamison, Jim Remley, or myself)
November 4: Show-n-Deliver money is due
November 19: Take Home Order Popcorn distribution at St. Angela Merici church hall(we will set up a sign up schedule for your pick up)
December 3: All Take Home Money is due
January 22: Prize Distribution
I know that many of you have asked about ordering popcorn and kits for your own Show-n-Deliver. We are now able to accommodate those requests. If you go to our popcorn website, you may order the items and we can arrange to have you pick it up at my house. You are responsible for the popcorn and kits that you order and they cannot be returned. Quantities are limited. The money will be due on November 4th.
There are two stipulations. First, only the popcorn and first aid kits purchased through the website can be counted towards a scout’s individual sales. Popcorn purchased by scout families during the Show-n-Sell weekends for the purpose of selling them later will not be credited to the individual scout. Second, these products can be used to fulfill take order request but then these orders must be removed from the form before you turn them in on November 19th. We don’t want to accidentally order popcorn for people to whom you have already delivered to.
We are running quite a bit behind from last year so we really hope to make it up with the Take Home Orders. Hopefully this allows everyone to reach their goal of at least $200!
Christian Lising