Tag Archives: leave no trace

Arbor Day Service Project


Let’s Plant a Tree 

Hi Scouts,

Our Arbor Day Service Project for the City of Brea is coming up.  It will be on Thursday,  April 28 from 3-4:30 pm at Arovista Park Grove in Brea.  We will be meeting at the baseball diamond closest to the golf course.  Here is the link to the  park. 

The holes will already be dug.  Our job is to place the trees into the holes, bury and water them.  You do not need to bring any tools.  The city will provide them.  Wear comfortable clothes and your Class B uniforms.

We need everyone to sign up to insure we have enough coverage. 

>Please sign up here<

We will need at least 1 parent for every 4 scouts so please sign up if you can.  

For any scout trying to earn his World Conservation Award or Leave No Trace Award, this is will help you fulfill one of the requirements.  

Yours in Scouting,

Christian Lising