Greetings Pack Families,
Once again our pack was invited to help cheer on the runners during the Disney 1/2 marathon that will be held on Sunday, August 31st. This is a volunteer service that we would be providing. Scouts who volunteer for the event must enthusiastically cheer for the runners for 3+ hours. All scouts who cheer the entire race will be awarded a free Disneyland pass to be used at a later date! Siblings and family members are also welcome to attend, but they are not eligible for a ticket. Here are more details from Disney:
- Volunteers must be at least 6 years of age.
- Must register by July 25.
- Each Scout youth’s identification number or birth date must be provided for the online registration.
- Only Scouts registered in our pack may sign up with us.
- Full Scout class A uniform must be worn.
- The time commitment is from approximately 05:30 am through 09:30 am. The final confirmation letter will give the updated arrival/check-in time.
- Groups who arrive late or who choose to leave the event early may not be eligible to receive Theme Park tickets.
- Scouts from all over Southern California will cheer for the runners in the Disneyland® Half Marathon.
- Squirt guns or squirt bottles are not allowed.
- Each participant should bring water and snacks.
- Noise makers are encouraged.
If your Scout is interested in earning a ticket to Disneyland, and is able to cheer on runners for about 3 hours early in the morning, please CLICK HERE to register.