Popcorn Show and Sell

Please select an available shift from the table below. Signups for filled shifts will be cancelled. Each Scout may sign up for (1) shift per weekend. If there are any remaining shifts open 3 days before the schedule time, than any Scout may sign up for an additional shift (on a different day). Remember each scout earns (1) raffle ticket for every shift he works, in addition to reciving credit towards his sales. More popcorn info can be found HERE. A list of responses received can be found HERE (Must be logged in to view).

[gdoc key=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GGt4kuMCeh2jakISms-wQAWppm6z9SyDEedaPnpME3I/edit” gid=”1963822915″ class=”sdpopcorn”]
